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The Vienna Opera: A jewel of the classical music world



Vienna, the cultural heart of Austria, is renowned for its rich musical heritage, and at the center of this legacy stands the Vienna State Opera (Wiener Staatsoper). This iconic institution is one of the most prestigious opera houses in the world, attracting music lovers from all corners of the globe. With its opulent architecture, world-class performances, and deep historical roots, the Vienna Opera is a must-visit for anyone seeking to experience the pinnacle of classical music and operatic performance.

A Grand Historical Legacy

The Vienna State Opera’s history dates back to the mid-19th century. Officially opened in 1869 with a performance of Mozart’s “Don Giovanni,” the opera house was designed by architects August Sicard von Sicardsburg and Eduard van der Nüll. Despite early criticism of its architectural style, the building has since become a cherished symbol of Vienna’s cultural and artistic heritage.

The opera house suffered significant damage during World War II, but it was meticulously restored and reopened in 1955 with a performance of Beethoven’s “Fidelio.” This restoration effort was a testament to the city’s dedication to preserving its cultural landmarks and ensuring that the magic of opera would continue to flourish in Vienna.

Architectural Splendor

The Vienna State Opera is a masterpiece of neo-Renaissance architecture. Its grand façade features intricate stone carvings, statues of famous composers, and a magnificent loggia adorned with frescoes. The opulent interior is equally impressive, with its grand staircase, chandelier-lit hallways, and richly decorated auditorium.

The main auditorium, with its horseshoe shape and plush red seats, provides excellent acoustics and an intimate setting for opera performances. The ceiling is adorned with a stunning fresco by Franz Matsch, depicting scenes from Mozart’s “The Magic Flute.” The combination of architectural beauty and historical significance creates an atmosphere that enhances the overall operatic experience.

A World-Class Repertoire

The Vienna State Opera is renowned for its diverse and extensive repertoire, offering performances of over 50 different operas and ballets each season. From classic works by Mozart, Verdi, and Wagner to contemporary productions, the opera house caters to a wide range of musical tastes. The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, one of the world’s finest orchestras, often performs in the pit, adding to the excellence of the performances.

The opera house also hosts the annual Vienna Opera Ball, a glamorous event that attracts celebrities, dignitaries, and opera enthusiasts from around the world. This elegant affair is a highlight of the social calendar and showcases the city’s enduring love for music and dance.

Notable Performers and Productions

The Vienna State Opera has been graced by some of the most illustrious names in opera history. Renowned conductors such as Gustav Mahler, Herbert von Karajan, and Leonard Bernstein have led the orchestra, while legendary singers like Maria Callas, Luciano Pavarotti, and Plácido Domingo have graced its stage. The opera house is also committed to nurturing young talent, providing a platform for emerging artists to shine.

Visiting the Vienna State Opera

For those planning to visit, the Vienna State Opera offers guided tours that provide a behind-the-scenes look at this magnificent institution. Visitors can explore the lavish interiors, learn about the opera house’s history, and even see the backstage areas where the magic happens.

Tickets for performances can be purchased online or at the box office, and it’s advisable to book in advance, especially for popular shows. Whether you’re a seasoned opera aficionado or a newcomer to the art form, attending a performance at the Vienna State Opera is an unforgettable experience.

The Vienna State Opera is more than just a venue for musical performances; it is a cultural treasure that embodies the spirit of Vienna. Its rich history, architectural splendor, and world-class productions make it a beacon of classical music and operatic excellence. For anyone visiting Vienna, a night at the opera is a must, offering a chance to be swept away by the beauty and emotion of one of the world’s greatest art forms.



Donald Trump je novi predsjednik SAD-a



Donald Trump je novi predsjednik SAD-a. Pobijedio je u tri ključne države, a u ostalih četiri vodi.

“Ušli smo u povijest. Izliječit ćemo našu zemlju. Jasno je da smo ostvarili nevjerojatan politički uspjeh. Ovo će biti zlatno doba za Ameriku. Učinit ćemo vas ponosnima i sretnima. Želim da se jednog dana osvrnete i budete ponosni što ste glasali za ovu skupinu ljudi iza mene”, rekao je u pobjedničkom govoru Trump.

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Donald Trump sve bliže pobjedi



Milijuni Amerikanaca izašli su na birališta kako bi glasali za svojeg budućeg predsjednika. Donald Trump niže pobjede u republikanskim, a Kamala Harris u demokratskim državama. Pobjednik ovogodišnjih američkih predsjedničkih izbora neće se znati dok se ne proglase pobjede barem u nekima od “swing” država.

Na putu do Bijele kuće ključne su tzv. “swing states” – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Sjeverna Karolina, Pennsylvania i Wisconsin.

Karolina Trumpu

Donald Trump odnio pobjedu u saveznoj državi Sjevernoj Karolini. Trump dobiva 16 elektorskih glasova države nakon što je porazio demokratsku kandidatkinju Kamalu Harris. Trump je ovu državu osvojio 2016. i 2020., ali demokrati su se nadali da bi mogli preokrenuti prethodne rezultate s potrošnjom u kampanji, agitiranjem i Harrisinim skupovima.

Također su pokušali povezati Trumpa s republikanskim kandidatom za guvernera Markom Robinsonom koji se ove godine našao usred velikog skandala, ali Trump i njegov potpredsjednik JD Vance često su posjećivali Sjevernu Karolinu tijekom jesenske kampanje, gurajući protekcionistički ekonomski program i obećavajući da će suzbiti ilegalnu imigraciju preko južne granice. Associated Press je Trumpa proglasio pobjednikom u 23:18 sati po lokalnom vremenu.

Ljudi u kampanji Donalda Trumpa osjećaju se sve optimističnije kako dolaze prvi rezultati, izvijestio je CNN.

Taj optimizam je potaknut rezultatima u Virginiji i Iowi, koji su pokazali da anketa koja je uzburkala duhove u subotu – nije bila točna.

U Trumpovom stožeru čuje se glasno skandiranje svaki put kada dođu novi rezultati.

Ostaje za vidjeti hoće li – i kada – Trump doći, dodaje CNN.

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U Mostaru osvanula podrška Trumpu




Na videozidu jednog kafića u Mostaru osvanuo je plakat podrške predsjedničkoj kandidaturi Donalda Trumpa.

Uz fotografiju Trumpa napravljenu neposredno nakon neuspjelog atentata na Floridi slovima u bojama američke zastave napisano je ‘TRUMP 2024’ 

Nije poznato tko je platio i postavio ovaj plakat podrške na videozid, no nema dvojbe da ovaj poduzetnik i bivši predsjednik SAD-a ima svoje pristaše i u gradu na Neretvi.

Ovaj plakat pojavljuje se uoči američkih predsjedničkih izbora zakazanih za 5. studenoga 2024. godine. Nakon što je aktualni predsjednik Joe Biden 21. srpnja 2024. povukao svoju kandidaturu, Demokratska stranka nominirala je potpredsjednicu Kamalu Harris kao svoju kandidatkinju za predsjednicu. Harris je odabrala guvernera Minnesote, Tima Walza, za svog potpredsjedničkog kandidata. 

S druge strane, Donald Trump, bivši predsjednik, osigurao je nominaciju Republikanske stranke i kandidira se za povratak u Bijelu kuću. Njegov potpredsjednički kandidat je senator iz Ohija, J.D. Vance. 

Ovi izbori odvijaju se u kontekstu dubokih političkih podjela u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, s ključnim pitanjima poput gospodarstva, vanjske politike i socijalnih prava u središtu kampanja oba kandidata. Nedavne ankete pokazuju tijesnu utrku između Harris i Trumpa, što dodatno povećava neizvjesnost ishoda predstojećih izbora.

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