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Još jedna banka u Austriji imala probleme, servisi nisu radili neko vrijeme



Kako javlja Raiffeisenbank na svojoj početnoj stranici, rano u petak došlo je do tehničkih problema s nekoliko IT servisa. U petak u jutarnjim satima mnogi su korisnici prijavili prekide i određene probleme. Između ostalog bilo je problema s aplikacijom “Elba”.

“Zbog tehničkih problema trenutačno postoje prekidi u raznim Raiffeisen IT uslugama, uključujući Mein ELBA i, u različitim stupnjevima, u IT uslugama u poslovnicama banke”, izvijestila je Raiffeisenbank na svojoj početnoj stranici.

“Ispričavamo se zbog neugodnosti”, napisali su iz banke. Kasnije je se sve vratilo u normalu.

Blagdani kroativ

Krajem studenoga već su zabilježeni slični problemi kod druge banke – pogođena je bila Erste banka. Zbog tehničkih problema online bankarstvo putem aplikacije George, web stranice i usluge u poslovnicama 26. studenoga nisu bile dostupne ili su bile ograničeno dostupne nekoliko sati. Također su pogođena kartična plaćanja i podizanje gotovine. Tehnički problem je riješen nakon tri sata oko 13 sati, rekao je glasnogovornik banke za APA.

Blagdani kroativ


Wiener Linien zabranio prijevoz e-mopeda




Wiener Linien zabranio je prijevoz e-mopeda u vozilima javnog prijevoza. To je otežavalo ulazak i izlazak. Zabrana stupa na snagu sutra.

Vozila na električni pogon često bi blokirala prostor za ukrcaj i tako ometala nesmetano kretanje putnika, obrazložio je zabranu Wiener Linien u priopćenju. Nove prometne smjernice stupaju na snagu s ponovnim otvaranjem zadnje zatvorene dionice U2 sutra, u petak.

Prema propisima o cestovnom prometu, e-mopedi spadaju u kategoriju bicikala. No, prijevoznici ističu da se oni razlikuju od klasičnih e-bicikala po dizajnu i funkciji. Motor se pokreće tipkom ili polugom, a ne pedaliranjem. Dvotočkaše često koriste dostavne službe ili dostavljači hrane.

Nastavi čitati


Horrific crime in Croatia,buried bodies of babies found in the yard



A horrific crime occurred near Varaždin. In a forest near a family house in Ljubelj Kalnički, the buried bodies of two babies were found. It is suspected that the children died due to severe neglect. The parents have been arrested.

After local media reported that the bodies of two babies were found in the yard of a family house in the municipality of Ljubešćica, the police in Varaždin confirmed they were conducting a criminal investigation into two individuals in collaboration with the County State Attorney’s Office in Varaždin.

  • Police officers of the Varaždin Police Department received a report about the suspicion of a criminal offense related to the violation of children’s rights in the area of the municipality of Ljubešćica. The police are conducting a criminal investigation into two individuals in collaboration with the County State Attorney’s Office in Varaždin, the Varaždin Police Department briefly stated.
  • The individuals have been handed over to the custody supervisor at the Varaždin Police Department, and criminal charges will be filed against them for an offense under Article 177 of the Criminal Code, the violation of children’s rights, paragraphs 1 and 2 regarding a four-year-old child, and paragraph 4 regarding two other children, the police statement added.

Considering the protection and welfare of the child, the Varaždin Police stated, “they are unable to disclose further details about this incident.”

A Sad Day in the Municipality

  • It is a sad day in the municipality of Ljubešćica. I received the information that an investigation is beginning based on suspicions of a serious crime around noon. Unfortunately, the suspicions have been confirmed. In the afternoon, the bodies of two newborns, no older than one year, were found in the settlement of Ljubelj Kalnički, confirmed the mayor of Ljubešćica, Nenad Horvatić, for Dnevnik HTV.

He added that the family had recently moved in, having bought the house five years ago on the outskirts of the settlement, and they were not very social.

  • I spoke to neighbors who said that the family spent two days in the village, two days in Zagreb, and two days in Split. And they never registered. They reportedly have a third child who is alive and well. We don’t know what they were doing, but we will find out more information, he added.

He emphasized that the third, oldest child was found malnourished and neglected, which was noticed by “the relevant authorities after which some actions were taken.” He reassured the villagers that this was not a serial murder.

  • The excavation of the bodies itself took a relatively short time. I believe the police had concrete information. Two people were taken into custody. They don’t have the same last name, so I don’t think they were married. What happened after the birth will be determined by the police, said the mayor in an interview with Danijela Herceg.
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Dnevna kronika

Kriminalne dječje bande problem u Beču, uhićen 12-godišnjak iz Sirije




Policijska izvješčća u Beču nerijetko se odnose i na maloljetnički kriminal. Već od ljeta pišemo o problemo maloljetničkog nasilja, a u nekim bečkim kotarima doslovno ordiniraju maloljetničke bande. Jedan takav slučaj dogodio se i ovog vikenda.

13-godišnjaku su u subotu u stanu u naselju u Favoritenu prijetili nožem i opljačkali dvojica dalekih poznanika. Osumnjičenici, i sama djeca, ukrali su gotovinu u niskom troznamenkastom rasponu eura. Jedan od njih dvojice zaustavljen je i uhićen tijekom neposredne potrage – prema policijskim informacijama radi se o 12-godišnjem Sirijcu. Zbog svojih godina pošteđen je kaznenog postupka.

Njegov sudionik uspio je pobjeći, a zasad mu se nije moglo ući u trag. Prema riječima žrtve, ovo nije bio prvi put da ga dječaci traže novac.

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