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Exploring the iconic streets of Vienna: A journey through history and culture



Vienna, the capital of Austria, is renowned for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant cultural scene. The city’s streets are a testament to its glorious past and dynamic present. Here are some of the most famous streets in Vienna:

1. Ringstraße

The Ringstraße, or Ring Road, is one of Vienna’s most iconic streets. Built in the mid-19th century on the site of the old city walls, this grand boulevard encircles the city center (Innere Stadt). It is lined with magnificent buildings, including the Vienna State Opera, the Austrian Parliament, the Rathaus (City Hall), and the University of Vienna. Walking along the Ringstraße offers a glimpse into Vienna’s imperial past with its array of palaces, museums, and theaters.

2. Graben

The Graben is one of Vienna’s most famous pedestrian streets, located in the heart of the city. This historic street dates back to Roman times and today is a bustling shopping area with high-end boutiques, cafes, and restaurants. Notable landmarks include the Plague Column (Pestsäule), a baroque monument erected to commemorate the end of the plague in 1679, and the elegant facades of the Grabenhof and the Generalihof buildings.

3. Kärntner Straße

Kärntner Straße is another major shopping street in Vienna, stretching from Stephansplatz, where St. Stephen’s Cathedral stands, to the Vienna State Opera. This pedestrian street is always lively, filled with both locals and tourists enjoying the variety of shops, ranging from luxury brands to traditional Austrian retailers. Street performers and musicians often entertain crowds, adding to the vibrant atmosphere.

4. Mariahilfer Straße

Mariahilfer Straße is the longest shopping street in Vienna and one of the most popular retail destinations in the city. Running from the city center to the outer districts, this bustling street features a wide range of shops, from international chains to local boutiques, as well as numerous cafes and restaurants. In recent years, parts of Mariahilfer Straße have been pedestrianized, making it even more attractive for shoppers and visitors.

5. Praterstraße

Praterstraße leads from the Donaukanal (Danube Canal) to the famous Prater park, home to the iconic Giant Ferris Wheel (Riesenrad). This street offers a mix of historical charm and modernity, with its beautiful old buildings and contemporary establishments. The nearby Prater park provides a green escape with its vast meadows, amusement rides, and recreational facilities.

6. Rotenturmstraße

Rotenturmstraße is a lively street that connects Schwedenplatz near the Donaukanal to Stephansplatz, the central square of Vienna. This street is a popular route for pedestrians and is lined with a variety of shops, cafes, and restaurants. Its proximity to major attractions like St. Stephen’s Cathedral makes it a frequented spot by tourists exploring the city’s core.

7. Naschmarkt

While not a street in the traditional sense, Naschmarkt is Vienna’s most famous market, stretching over a kilometer along the Wienzeile. This vibrant market dates back to the 16th century and is a food lover’s paradise, offering fresh produce, meats, seafood, spices, and international delicacies. Numerous food stalls and small restaurants make it a great place for tasting a variety of cuisines. On Saturdays, the adjacent flea market attracts many visitors searching for antiques and unique finds.

8. Herrengasse

Herrengasse, located in the first district, is known for its elegant townhouses and historic significance. This street was once the residence of many noble families and today houses important buildings such as the Federal Chancellery (Bundeskanzleramt) and the renowned Café Central, a historic coffee house frequented by famous figures like Sigmund Freud and Leon Trotsky.

Vienna’s streets offer a captivating blend of history, culture, and modernity, making the city a delightful place to explore on foot. Each street has its unique charm and character, contributing to Vienna’s reputation as one of the most beautiful and livable cities in the world.



Novi potres zatresao Austriju, drugi u toj regiji



U Gornjoj Štajerskoj u srijedu navečer dogodio se još jedan lagani, ali zamjetan potres. Zabilježen s magnitudom od 2,5 u 19.29 sati na području Judenburga, izvijestila je seizmološka služba. Epicentar potresa bio je u blizini Fohnsdorfa. Bilo je “jasnih potresa, udara i podrhtavanja” i objekti su se lagano pomicali, rečeno je.

Nema izvješća o šteti na zgradama, ali u ovoj jačini potresa nije ni za očekivati. Bio je to već drugi potres u regiji u kratkom vremenskom razdoblju: krajem siječnja zabilježen je potres u Gornjoj Štajerskoj, nekoliko kilometara jugoistočno od Unzmarkt-Frauenburga u okrugu Murtal.

Istog dana zemlja se zatresla i u drugim dijelovima Štajerske, a također i u Koruškoj, a isto se dogodilo i sljedeći dan.

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U sudaru državljana BiH i Srbije u Austriji “nastradala” riba



Nekoliko sati dionica A8 u Gornjoj Austriji između Ried/I. i Haag/H. bila je zatvorena: Nakon spektakularnog sudara kamiona i kombija da se situacija rasčisti trebalo je pretovariti 20 tona ribe.

Bh. državljanin (33) vozio je svoj kamion 1. veljače oko 23.30 sati autocestom A8 Innkreis, u blizini općine Pram, u smjeru Voralpenkreuza. U isto vrijeme, vozač iz Srbije kretao se suprotnim trakom i onda moguće prešao u traku drugog vozača. Odmah zatim došlo je do sudara dva vozila.

Oba su se vozila prikliještila i udarila u središnju betonsku barijeru te su odbačena natrag na cestu. Kamion se prevrnuo i zaustavio preko obje trake. 55-godišnjak je lakše ozlijeđen i nakon prve pomoći prevezen u bolnicu Ried.

Za izvlačenje kamiona trebalo je pretovariti 20 tona ribe. Autoput A8 bio je potpuno zatvoren između Rieda i Haaga nekoliko sati.

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Hrvat u Njemačkoj uz pizzu prodavao i “bijelo” pa završio u zatvoru




Ugostitelj hrvatskog porijekla Stipe R. osuđen je u Duesseldorfu na četiri godine zatvora zbog toga što je u svojoj pizzeriji prodavao kokain, prenose njemački mediji u subotu.

“37-godišnji Stipe R. osuđen je zbog težeg oblika organiziranog raspačavanja droga na četiri godine zatvora”, priopćio je Pokrajinski sud u Duesseldorfu.

Ugostitelju hrvatskog porijekla, koji je u središtu Duesseldorfa prije nekoliko godina otvorio pizzeriju, predbacuje se da je uz jednu od pizza na svom jelovniku dostavljao i pola grama kokaina.

Osuđeni je negirao da je kokain s “pizzom broj 40” prodavao svima nego samo svojim poznanicima.

Istražni organi su u trag raspačavanju kokaina ušli slučajno na proljeće prošle godine kada su kontrolori u potrazi za radnicima na crno pronašli veće količine kokaina u pizzeriji.

Odvjetnici osuđenog su tijekom procesa isticali kako njihov klijent do sada nije bio osuđivan.

Stipe R. je, prema vlastitim navodima, kuhar po zanimanju a u Njemačku je stigao 2014. te 2018. otvorio pizzeriju u četvrti Stari grad u Duesseldorfu.

U prijašnjim medijskim izvještajima o ovom slučaju navodilo se kako Stipe R. dolazi iz “blizine Zadra”.

Državno odvjetništvo je zahtijevalo pet godina zatvora ali je sud kao olakotnu okolnost uzeo činjenicu da osuđeni ne traži povrat 270.000 eura koji su pronađeni prilikom uhićenja te da je pomagao izjavama koje su dovele do brzog okončanja istrage.

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