Rovinj: A gem on the Adriatic

Rovinj, a picturesque coastal town on the western coast of Istria in Croatia, is a true gem on the Adriatic Sea. With its narrow, cobblestone streets, colorful houses, and the distinctive charm of a Mediterranean fishing village, Rovinj attracts visitors from around the world. Its rich history, breathtaking scenery, and friendly atmosphere make Rovinj an essential destination for anyone visiting Croatia.
Historical Background
Rovinj’s history dates back to ancient times when the town was part of the Roman Empire. Originally built on an island, Rovinj was connected to the mainland in the 18th century by filling in the channel. The influences of various rulers, including the Venetians, Austrians, and Italians, have shaped Rovinj into a city rich in culture and architectural diversity.
The Old Town
Rovinj’s Old Town is a labyrinth of narrow, winding streets lined with charming houses with pastel-colored facades. There is much to discover here:
- St. Euphemia Church: The imposing church is Rovinj’s landmark and sits atop the highest point of the Old Town. Built in the 18th century, it houses the relics of Saint Euphemia, the town’s patron saint. From the church tower, there is a breathtaking view over the town and the Adriatic Sea.
- Balbi Arch: The Balbi Arch is the gateway to the Old Town and a remnant of the Venetian rule. It was built in the 17th century and is adorned with the coats of arms of the Balbi family and the Venetian Republic.
- Main Square: The bustling main square is the heart of the Old Town and a perfect place to watch the lively activity. Here, you’ll find numerous cafés, restaurants, and small shops offering local products and crafts.
The Beaches and Nature
Rovinj is known for its beautiful beaches and the pristine nature of the surrounding area:
- Punta Corrente (Golden Cape): This protected forest area offers numerous hiking and biking trails, as well as picturesque coves and beaches. It is the ideal place for nature lovers and those seeking tranquility.
- Islands of the Rovinj Archipelago: The Rovinj Archipelago consists of 14 islands, easily accessible by boat. The islands offer crystal-clear waters, secluded beaches, and a rich underwater world perfect for snorkeling and diving.
Culinary Delights
The cuisine in Rovinj is characterized by fresh, local ingredients and Mediterranean flavors. Culinary highlights include:
- Seafood: Thanks to its location on the Adriatic, fresh seafood is ubiquitous in Rovinj. From grilled fish to delicate seafood dishes, there are a variety of specialties to discover.
- Istrian Truffle: The forests of Istria are rich in truffles, and many restaurants in Rovinj offer dishes featuring this precious fungus. Pasta and meat dishes with freshly shaved truffles are particularly popular.
- Olive Oil and Wine: Istria is known for its high-quality olive oils and wines. Tasting the local products is a must during any visit.
Cultural Events
Rovinj hosts numerous cultural events throughout the year, reflecting the town’s rich tradition and vibrant artistic life:
- Rovinj Photodays: This international photography festival attracts photographers and art lovers from around the world and offers exhibitions, workshops, and lectures on photography.
- Rovinj Summer Festival: In summer, the town transforms into a stage for music, theater, and dance performances. Events take place in various historical locations in Rovinj, offering a diverse program for all ages.
Rovinj is a town that captivates with its unique charm, rich history, and stunning natural scenery. Whether you stroll through the winding streets of the Old Town, explore the picturesque beaches, or enjoy the culinary delights, Rovinj offers unforgettable experiences for every visitor. A visit to this enchanting town on the Adriatic is like a journey back in time and a feast for the senses.

Westbahn od sljedeće godine vozi i prema jugu Austrije

Većinski privatna željeznička kompanija Westbahn, u vlasništvu industrijalca Hansa Petera Haselsteinera, proširit će svoje rute zahvaljujući Koralmtunelu između Štajerske i Koruške te će postati dio Südbahna. Od 1. ožujka 2026. godine planirano je pet dnevnih vožnji s polaskom sa glavnog kolodvora u Beču, preko Graza i Klagenfurta, do Villacha, objavljeno je u srijedu na tiskovnoj konferenciji u Beču. Plan je već neko vrijeme bio tema rasprava, a razmatrala se i ranija realizacija.
Vožnja traje 3 sata i 28 minuta
Predviđeno je da će cijelo putovanje trajati 3 sata i 28 minuta, a vlak će, osim na glavnim postajama, stati i u Beču Meidlingu, Wiener Neustadtu, Semmeringu te Bruck an der Muru. Razmatraju se i dodatna stajališta.
Izvršni direktor Westbahna, Thomas Posch, pritom nije propustio uputiti jasnu kritiku ÖBB-u, aludirajući na dugogodišnje probleme s putovanjima na južnoj ruti. “Želimo stati na kraj manjku kvalitete u željezničkom prometu na južnoj trasi i ponuditi pouzdanu uslugu,” istaknuo je Posch. Osim Haselsteinera, suvlasnik Westbahna je i francuska državna željeznica SNCF.
Brzina do 250 km/h i pristupačnost za sve putnike
Za početak operacija 1. ožujka 2026. Westbahn planira nabaviti tri nova brza vlaka, koji će moći voziti do 250 km/h, što ih čini najbržima u Austriji. Svaki vlak imat će 11 vagona, duljinu od 202 metra i kapacitet od 422 sjedeća mjesta u tri klase. Bit će opremljeni s po dva ravna ulaza, čime se osigurava potpuna pristupačnost za putnike s invaliditetom. Dvokatni vlakovi bit će uvedeni tek nakon završetka izgradnje Semmering tunela između Donje Austrije i Štajerske.
Koncert za djecu i mlade neobičnog dua iz Zagreba u Beču

08.03.2025 / 11:00
VRUM Performing Arts Collective feat. Cura & Dečko: LJUBIČASTOst
Vanesa Petrac i Ivan Marojević, poznatiji kao elektro pop duo Cura & Dečko, izvode songove iz nagrađivane predstave Sanje Tropp Frühwald „LJUBIČASTO“, inspirirane klasikom “Romeo i Julija” Williama Shakespearea.
Naši glavni likovi, Mak i Iris žive na Đumbatronu, planetu prepunom mirisnog cvijeća i slasnih plodova drveća. No, oni se ne smiju sresti jer on pripada jednom plemenu, a ona drugom. On je jedne boje, ona je druge i – zajedno se ne smiju miješati! Ali oni to ne razumiju! Zašto se ne bi smjeli zajedno igrati? Penjati na stabla? Pjevati naopake pjesme? Plesati glupi ples? No Mak i Iris ne boje se i spremni su na sve, jer ih ljubav čuva!
Shakespeareovi junaci, Romeo i Julija, zbog ljubavi i nesporazuma umiru, a VRUMovi Mak i Iris vode nas na put cijelom galaksijom! Tijekom te avanture uče nas o svijetu, o odnosima i osjećajima, o nepoznatim i drugačijim mjestima, o stranim bićima i njihovim običajima.
I da stvari nisu uvijek crno-bijele, one su ponekad i LJUBIČASTE!
Ovu nekonvencionalnu glazbu Hrvatski Centar Assitej 2023. godine proglasio je najboljom glazbom u predstavama za djecu i mlade u Hrvatskoj.
Autori glazbe: Vanesa Petrac i Ivan Marojević Rojla (Cura & Dečko)
Autorice teksta: Vanesa Petrac i Maja Katić
Autorica projekta: Sanja Tropp Frühwald
08.03.2025 / 11:00
VRUM Performing Arts Collective feat. Cura & Dečko: LJUBIČASTOST
Vanesa Petrac und Ivan Marojević, bekannt als das Electro-Pop-Duo Cura & Dečko, präsentieren Songs aus der preisgekrönten Inszenierung LJUBIČASTO von Sanja Tropp Frühwald, inspiriert von William Shakespeares Klassiker Romeo und Julia.
Unsere Hauptfiguren, Mak und Iris, leben auf Đumbatron, einem Planeten voller duftender Blumen und köstlicher Früchte. Doch sie dürfen sich nicht begegnen, denn er gehört zu einem Stamm, sie zu einem anderen. Er hat eine bestimmte Farbe, sie eine andere – und sie dürfen sich auf keinen Fall vermischen! Aber sie verstehen das nicht! Warum sollten sie nicht zusammen spielen? Auf Bäume klettern? Verkehrte Lieder singen? Einen verrückten Tanz tanzen? Mak und Iris haben keine Angst und sind zu allem bereit, denn die Liebe beschützt sie!
Shakespeares Helden, Romeo und Julia, sterben aus Liebe und Missverständnissen, doch VRUMs Mak und Iris nehmen uns mit auf eine Reise durch die ganze Galaxie! Auf diesem Abenteuer lernen sie – und wir mit ihnen – über die Welt, Beziehungen und Gefühle, über fremde und andere Orte, über unbekannte Wesen und ihre Bräuche.
Und dass die Dinge nicht immer nur schwarz-weiß sind – manchmal sind sie auch LILA!
Diese unkonventionelle Musik wurde 2023 vom Kroatischen Assitej-Zentrum als beste Bühnenmusik für Kinder- und Jugendtheater in Kroatien ausgezeichnet.
Musik: Vanesa Petrac und Ivan Marojević Rojla (Cura & Dečko)
Text: Vanesa Petrac und Maja Katić
Projektidee: Sanja Tropp Frühwald
Podupiranja / gefördert von: BKA Volksgruppen, BMBWF, MA7, Središnji državni ured za Hrvate izvan RH, Ministarstvo kulture RH
Foto: Siniša Sović / VRUM performing arts collective
Dvoje sretnika u Austriji osvojilo po čak 890.000 eura

Dvojica sretnika su na izvlačenju lota prošle srijede pogodila jackpot na šestercu – dolaze iz Vorarlberga i Beča.
Pet dobitaka, pet pokrajina: Na izvlačenju prošle srijede bilo je nekoliko značajnih dobitaka, koji su se rasporedili na točno pet saveznih država. Dvojici sudionika uspjelo je pogoditi jackpot na šestercu i osvojiti više od 890.000 eura svaki.
Jedna od šestica pogođena je u Vorarlbergu s drugim od tri Quicktip-a, dok je drugi bila u Beču, gdje je na običnom tiketu, treći od osam tipova, bilo označeno “šest točnih brojeva”.
Također, bilo je tri dobitna petera s dodatnim brojem, svaki za više od 35.000 eura, a jedan je bio u Štajerskoj s sustavom 0/07, dok su ostala dva ostvarena u Salzburgu i Koruškoj – oba putem Quicktipp-a.
Lotto dobitni brojevi: 1, 6, 24, 28, 34, 44, dodatni broj 38
Na LottoPlus izvlačenju nije bilo šestice. Tako je iznos za šestere podijeljen na petice, pa je 35 sudionika osvojilo više od 8.000 eura svaki. Za sljedeći LottoPlus šester očekuje se oko 200.000 eura.