Na 10. Ultra Europe festivalu, koji će se od petka do nedjelje održati na splitskom Parku mladeži, nakon čega tri dana seli na Brač, Hvar i...
Zbog svog osvježavajućeg okusa i visokog udjela vode, lubenica je jedna od omiljenijih zdravih ljetnih poslastica. Lubenica je izvor vrijednih fitokemikalija s visokim nutritivnim i farmaceutskim...
Vienna, though not traditionally known for swimming, offers several excellent spots for a refreshing dip, particularly during the warm summer months. Here are some of the...
New York City, known as “The City That Never Sleeps,” is a global hub for finance, culture, arts, and entertainment. With its iconic skyline, bustling neighborhoods,...
The portal Book Retreats has published a list of the most beautiful European beaches in 2024, and among them are four Croatian beaches. The research covered...
Portal Book Retreats objavio je listu najljepših europskih plaža u 2024. godini, a među njima su se našle čak četiri hrvatske. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 200 plaža...
Rovinj, a picturesque coastal town on the western coast of Istria in Croatia, is a true gem on the Adriatic Sea. With its narrow, cobblestone streets,...
Schönbrunn Palace Park, nestled in the western part of Vienna, Austria, is a historical and cultural landmark that showcases the grandeur of the Habsburg dynasty. With...
St. Stephen’s Cathedral, or Stephansdom as it’s known in German, is one of Vienna’s most iconic landmarks and a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Situated in the...
Ljetni mjeseci donose sa sobom visoke temperature koje mogu uzrokovati pojačano znojenje i gubitak tekućine iz tijela. Dehidracija je ozbiljno stanje koje može imati negativan utjecaj...