Jedna od najpoznatijih turističkih zemalja naplaćivat će ‘ulaz u zemlju’

Ako želite ići u “raj za odmor” kako mu mnogi tepaju od sada ćete morati plaćati tzv. “ulaz”. Naravno riječ je o Tajlandu a zakon će se primjenjivati od 2025. Pozadina je boravišna pristojba.
Cijene se razlikuju ovisno o ruti dolaska. Avionom će to koštati 8 eura, kopnom i morem 4 eura. Tajland slijedi međunarodni trend. Venecija je već zatražila od turista da plate.
Svatko tko putuje avionom plaćat će oko 8,40 eura (300 bahta) od sredine godine. Kopnom ili morem iznosit će 150 bahta (4 eura), kako je nedavno objasnio ministar turizma i sporta Sorawong Thienthong. Novac je namijenjen poboljšanju infrastrukture i strukture usluga. No, ima nešto i dobro u svemu tome, u cijeni bi moglo biti uključeno i osiguranje.

Po prvi put: Muhammad je najpopularnije ime u Velikoj Britaniji

Muhammad je prvi put 2023. bio najpopularnije prvo ime za novorođene dječake u Engleskoj i Walesu. Prošle je godine Muhammad prestigao prošlogodišnjeg pobjednika Noaha, objavio je u četvrtak Nacionalni ured za statistiku (ONS). Treće najčešće ime za dječake u 2023. bilo je Oliver.
Prema podacima objavljenim u četvrtak, ukupno 4661 novorođenčad prošle je godine dobilo ime Muhamed, koje se među deset najčešćih imena prvi put pojavilo 2016. godine. Uzimajući u obzir sva različita načina pisanja – Mohammed, Mohammad, Mohamed i drugi – to je ime već bilo najpopularnije 2009., 2014., 2019. i 2022. godine.
U 2016. ONS je popularnost imena Mohammed, Muhammad i Mohammad objasnio, između ostalog, činjenicom da su ona preferirana u muslimanskim zajednicama u čast istoimenog proroka, dok je veća raznolikost muških imena u ostalom stanovništvu.
Prema podacima iz 2021. godine, oko 3,9 milijuna muslimana živi u Engleskoj i Walesu. S ukupnom populacijom od 59,6 milijuna ljudi, to odgovara udjelu od 6,5 posto. Muslimana je 2011. godine bilo 2,7 milijuna ili 4,9 posto.
Kao i prošle godine, Olivia, Amelia i Isla bila su najpopularnija imena za djevojčice u 2023. godini.
Agencija za statistiku istaknula je i stalni utjecaj kulturoloških fenomena na davanje imena: prošle godine znatno više djevojčica dobilo je ime Margot, za što je vjerojatno zaslužna glumica Margot Robbie i njena uloga “Barbie” u istoimenom filmu.
VAR tehnologija odlazi u povijest, stiže FVS?

Var bi uskoro mogao postati prošlost u nogometu, a zamijeniti bi ga trebao novi sustav FVS (Football Video Support). Testira ga FIFA uz odobrenje Međunarodnog odbora nogometnih saveza (IFAB). Svatko tko prati nogomet već zna kako VAR funkcionira. Sudac donosi odluku kad želi pogledati neku ključnu situaciju koja bi mogla značajno utjecati na ishod utakmice.
Kod sustava FVS odluka bi bila na trenerima, koji bi mogli zatražiti od sudaca da se neke situacije pregledaju. Nije to ništa novo, u NBA ligi treneri imaju pravo na challenge sudačkih odluka, kao i NFL treneri, a tenisači sami mogu zatražiti pregled neke sudačke odluke. Sustav FVS testirao se na utakmicama svjetskih prvenstva za žene do 17 i do 20 godina.
“Tek smo na početku testiranja i radimo detaljnu analizu. Zasad nismo primijetili ništa iznenađujuće. FIFA će, po dogovoru, podnijeti izvješće IFAB-u. Tražit će nastavak testiranja”, rekao je šef FIFA-inih sudaca Pierluigi Collina.
Postupak će biti takav da će trener prekinuti igru ako smatra da je donesena kriva sudačka odluka. Sudac će zatim otići do ekrana i pogledati snimku iz raznih kuteva. Neće više biti VAR sudaca u kabini, već će tu samo biti tehničar koji će premotavati videe. Neće, dakle, biti nikakvih sugestija glavnom sucu iz VAR sobe kao dosad.
“Imate ograničen broj revizija sudačkih odluka, samo dvije po utakmici. Kad niste u pravu, gubite jednu. Zato ih ne smijete, kao trener, potratiti tijekom utakmice. Moramo pronaći rješenje da svi mogu imati ovu tehnologiju. Mnogi si ne mogu priuštiti VAR, ali FVS bi mogao biti pristupačniji”, zaključio je Collina u razgovoru za ESPN.
Liraglutide Peptide: Exploring Potential Mechanisms in Cellular and Metabolic Research

Liraglutide, a synthetic analog of the incretin hormone GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1), is widely studied for its structural resemblance to endogenous peptides involved in metabolic regulation. With structural modifications supporting its stability and binding affinity, Liraglutide is believed to hold promising research value beyond its conventional fields.
This article explores speculative areas where Liraglutide’s biochemical characteristics might find relevance, such as cellular metabolism, lipid regulation, mitochondrial science, neurobiology, and cardiovascular science. By delving into the peptide’s interaction with cellular pathways, its possible modulation of metabolic responses, and its role in glucose homeostasis, we seek to outline its research potential across scientific domains, ultimately envisioning Liraglutide’s broader implications in the landscape of biomolecular research.
Introduction to Liraglutide’s Biochemistry and Molecular Structure
Liraglutide is structurally akin to GLP-1 but modified with a C16 acyl chain to support improved stability, making it more resistant to enzymatic degradation by dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4). This structural adaptation is believed to extend Liraglutide’s half-life, allowing it to maintain more prolonged receptor activity. Studies suggest that given these properties, Liraglutide represents a unique research tool for examining GLP-1 receptor-linked signaling in various cell types. Research indicates that its structure may support binding to lipid bilayers, creating possibilities for studies of receptor affinity and membrane permeability.
Cellular Metabolism and Mitochondrial Function
Investigations purport that the peptide’s impact on cellular metabolism is a compelling area of interest. By stimulating GLP-1 receptors, Liraglutide is theorized to modulate intracellular signaling pathways associated with ATP production and mitochondrial biogenesis. Research suggests that the peptide may support mitochondrial efficiency, potentially supporting cellular energy production and ATP turnover rates. Studies have indicated that Liraglutide might encourage better-supported mitochondrial respiration in muscle cells and liver cells, suggesting avenues for research into age-related declines in mitochondrial function and metabolic disorders.
Additionally, the peptide seems to influence pathways related to oxidative stress, a key factor in mitochondrial dysfunction. Investigations purport that GLP-1 receptor agonists, including Liraglutide, may exert an antioxidative impact by reducing reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. This property might be explored in studies examining cellular resilience to oxidative stress, especially within cell models subjected to metabolic insults or environmental toxins.
Lipid Metabolism and Its Implications in Liver Integrity
Liraglutide’s potential to impact lipid metabolism has sparked interest in hepatic research. Investigations purport that the peptide might influence lipid synthesis and transport, and its action on GLP-1 receptors may be critical for understanding lipid regulation within hepatocytes. Research indicates that Liraglutide might reduce lipid accumulation in liver cells, a factor highly relevant to the study of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and other hepatic disorders. Investigations in this area suggest that Liraglutide may inhibit de novo lipogenesis (DNL) while supporting fatty acid oxidation, creating a dual action relevant to lipid homeostasis in hepatocytes.
Liraglutide in Cognitive and Neuronal Research
Beyond metabolic research, Liraglutide’s activity on GLP-1 receptors in the central nervous system has prompted interest in its potential neuroprotective properties. Research suggests that Liraglutide may influence neurogenesis and cognitive processes through GLP-1 receptor activation within the brain. This receptor distribution in brain regions linked to learning, memory, and neuroplasticity positions Liraglutide as a potential agent for investigating neurobiological pathways related to cognitive integrity.
In animal models, it has been hypothesized that Liraglutide might promote the survival of neuronal cells exposed to stressors, such as excitotoxic agents or amyloid-beta plaques, which are commonly associated with neurodegenerative processes. Liraglutide’s theoretical neurotrophic impacts might be an interesting focus for studies examining mechanisms of neuronal repair and resilience.
Cardiovascular Research: Vascular Function and Endothelial Integrity
Liraglutide’s potential impact on cardiovascular integrity is an emerging area of interest, particularly concerning its possible influence on vascular smooth muscle and endothelial function. Studies have indicated that GLP-1 receptor activity may play a role in vasodilation, theorized to be mediated by nitric oxide (NO) synthesis in endothelial cells. This property might render Liraglutide a valuable tool for studying vascular function, with implications for research into hypertension, arterial stiffness, and overall vascular integrity.
Another promising line of investigation is the peptide’s potential to modulate endothelial homeostasis. It is speculated that Liraglutide may reduce oxidative damage in endothelial cells, fostering an environment conducive to vascular integrity. Studies suggest that this potential antioxidative impact might be particularly helpful to researchers examining endothelial responses to hyperglycemia and inflammation, both of which are thought to impair vascular function. As endothelial integrity is critical in many cardiovascular conditions, Liraglutide’s influence on endothelial resilience and repair mechanisms may be a pivotal focus in cardiovascular research.
Liraglutide in Immunometabolism Research
An intriguing area of research involves Liraglutide’s potential role in immunometabolic regulation. As GLP-1 receptors are expressed in various immune cells, it is hypothesized that Liraglutide may affect immune function by modulating energy metabolism within immune cells. For example, certain studies suggest that Liraglutide may influence macrophage activity and polarization, which might prove to be instrumental in understanding immune responses in inflammatory conditions and metabolic disorders.
Conclusion: The Expansive Research Horizons of Liraglutide
Research indicates that the peptide Liraglutide, through its interaction with GLP-1 receptors, may reveal complex biological mechanisms across a broad range of scientific disciplines. From metabolic regulation and mitochondrial resilience to neurobiology and cardiovascular function, Liraglutide’s possible influence on GLP-1 pathways provides a promising scaffold for future research. By understanding Liraglutide’s biochemical interactions and signaling mechanisms, scientific investigations may uncover new insights into cellular function, energy metabolism, and immune modulation. Click here for the highest-quality Liraglutide.
[i] Drucker, D. J., Habener, J. F., & Holst, J. J. (2017). Discovery, characterization, and clinical development of the glucagon-like peptides. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 127(12), 4217–4227.
[ii] Campbell, J. E., & Drucker, D. J. (2013). Pharmacology, physiology, and mechanisms of incretin hormone action. Cell Metabolism, 17(6), 819-837.
[iii] Gejl, M., Brock, B., Egefjord, L., Vang, K., Rungby, J., & Gjedde, A. (2012). Blood-brain glucose transfer in Alzheimer’s disease: Effect of GLP-1 analog treatment. Scientific Reports, 2, 105.
[iv] Marso, S. P., Bain, S. C., Consoli, A., Eliaschewitz, F. G., Jódar, E., Leiter, L. A., … & Zinman, B. (2016). Semaglutide and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes. New England Journal of Medicine, 375(19), 1834-1844.
[v] Nauck, M. A., & Meier, J. J. (2019). Incretin hormones: Their role in health and disease. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 21(S1), 5-21.