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Healthcare services for tourists at 36 locations on the Adriatic



For EU tourists and domestic tourists, additional teams have been arranged in health centers for the first time this summer, contracted with HZZO (Croatian Health Insurance Fund), where everyone can receive healthcare services, prescriptions, and referrals covered by their health insurance. This is currently available at 36 locations.

Counties and health centers have so far secured staff for 36 teams out of a total of 51 teams contracted with HZZO, and they are expected to operate until September 30th.

According to Marko Rađa, director of the Health Center of Split-Dalmatia County, tourist clinics are currently operating in Supetar, Split, Trogir, and Makarska, with a clinic expected to start operating in Hvar this weekend.

He added that the clinic in Split, which has two teams, operates on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays in one shift, and on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays in two shifts. The clinic in Supetar operates from Wednesday to Sunday, and efforts are made to cover weekends at all locations since family medicine clinics do not operate then.

All domestic tourists can use HZZO health cards, while tourists from the EU and other countries such as Iceland, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland can use the European Health Insurance Card.

An additional temporary team, consisting of a doctor and a nurse, has been working since July 1st in Novalja on the island of Pag, near Zrće beach, a popular gathering spot for young people. The director of the health center, Zoran Vidas, told Hina that they have gained a lot from this as it will reduce the pressure on other family medicine offices.

“Tourist clinics were previously not contracted with HZZO, and services were charged. With this, we have gained a lot, primarily reducing the crowds and pressure on contracted offices where tourists went to avoid paying for a service,” said Vidas.

Vidas mentioned that they know they can have over 100 patients in one shift during the peak season, and now he expects an additional increase.

The additional team will work every day except Thursday, which is when the pressure is lowest based on their experience, and on holidays. Vidas also noted that they have had a special point with a team taking care of patients from Zrće for three years now.

Ten teams distributed across five tourist clinics in Umag, Poreč, Rovinj, Pula, and Labin will be available until September 15th to numerous tourists in the Istria County area. The number of people there doubles every summer, with up to 400,000 people daily.

In the Istrian health centers, it is noted that tourists often seek medical help, causing large crowds in the emergency hospital admissions of Pula hospital.

“In the peak season, almost 600,000 tourists are in Istria, which poses a significant burden on the healthcare system, both for the Istrian health centers and the General Hospital Pula,” said the director of the Istrian health centers, Dr. Nikola Žgrablić.

Gordana Antić, head of the Department of Health and Social Care of the Istria County, emphasized that HZZO ensures free examinations, but not the salaries of doctors working with tourists, so they are provided from local funds, specifically from the tourist tax.

She added that previously there was a problem because tourist clinics existed but charged for services, so everyone went where they didn’t have to pay, namely to family doctors. This part is now better resolved and is a significant step towards relieving family doctors and emergency services.



Koncert za djecu i mlade neobičnog dua iz Zagreba u Beču




08.03.2025 / 11:00

VRUM Performing Arts Collective feat. Cura & Dečko: LJUBIČASTOst

Vanesa Petrac i Ivan Marojević, poznatiji kao elektro pop duo Cura & Dečko, izvode songove iz nagrađivane predstave Sanje Tropp Frühwald „LJUBIČASTO“, inspirirane klasikom “Romeo i Julija” Williama Shakespearea.

Naši glavni likovi, Mak i Iris žive na Đumbatronu, planetu prepunom mirisnog cvijeća i slasnih plodova drveća. No, oni se ne smiju sresti jer on pripada jednom plemenu, a ona drugom. On je jedne boje, ona je druge i – zajedno se ne smiju miješati! Ali oni to ne razumiju! Zašto se ne bi smjeli zajedno igrati? Penjati na stabla? Pjevati naopake pjesme? Plesati glupi ples? No Mak i Iris ne boje se i spremni su na sve, jer ih ljubav čuva!

Shakespeareovi junaci, Romeo i Julija, zbog ljubavi i nesporazuma umiru, a VRUMovi Mak i Iris vode nas na put cijelom galaksijom! Tijekom te avanture uče nas o svijetu, o odnosima i osjećajima, o nepoznatim i drugačijim mjestima, o stranim bićima i njihovim običajima.
I da stvari nisu uvijek crno-bijele, one su ponekad i LJUBIČASTE!

Ovu nekonvencionalnu glazbu Hrvatski Centar Assitej 2023. godine proglasio je najboljom glazbom u predstavama za djecu i mlade u Hrvatskoj.

Autori glazbe: Vanesa Petrac i Ivan Marojević Rojla (Cura & Dečko)
Autorice teksta: Vanesa Petrac i Maja Katić
Autorica projekta: Sanja Tropp Frühwald

08.03.2025 / 11:00

VRUM Performing Arts Collective feat. Cura & Dečko: LJUBIČASTOST

Vanesa Petrac und Ivan Marojević, bekannt als das Electro-Pop-Duo Cura & Dečko, präsentieren Songs aus der preisgekrönten Inszenierung LJUBIČASTO von Sanja Tropp Frühwald, inspiriert von William Shakespeares Klassiker Romeo und Julia.

Unsere Hauptfiguren, Mak und Iris, leben auf Đumbatron, einem Planeten voller duftender Blumen und köstlicher Früchte. Doch sie dürfen sich nicht begegnen, denn er gehört zu einem Stamm, sie zu einem anderen. Er hat eine bestimmte Farbe, sie eine andere – und sie dürfen sich auf keinen Fall vermischen! Aber sie verstehen das nicht! Warum sollten sie nicht zusammen spielen? Auf Bäume klettern? Verkehrte Lieder singen? Einen verrückten Tanz tanzen? Mak und Iris haben keine Angst und sind zu allem bereit, denn die Liebe beschützt sie!

Shakespeares Helden, Romeo und Julia, sterben aus Liebe und Missverständnissen, doch VRUMs Mak und Iris nehmen uns mit auf eine Reise durch die ganze Galaxie! Auf diesem Abenteuer lernen sie – und wir mit ihnen – über die Welt, Beziehungen und Gefühle, über fremde und andere Orte, über unbekannte Wesen und ihre Bräuche.
Und dass die Dinge nicht immer nur schwarz-weiß sind – manchmal sind sie auch LILA!

Diese unkonventionelle Musik wurde 2023 vom Kroatischen Assitej-Zentrum als beste Bühnenmusik für Kinder- und Jugendtheater in Kroatien ausgezeichnet.

Musik: Vanesa Petrac und Ivan Marojević Rojla (Cura & Dečko)
Text: Vanesa Petrac und Maja Katić
Projektidee: Sanja Tropp Frühwald

Podupiranja / gefördert von: BKA Volksgruppen, BMBWF, MA7, Središnji državni ured za Hrvate izvan RH, Ministarstvo kulture RH

Foto: Siniša Sović / VRUM performing arts collective

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Dvoje sretnika u Austriji osvojilo po čak 890.000 eura




Dvojica sretnika su na izvlačenju lota prošle srijede pogodila jackpot na šestercu – dolaze iz Vorarlberga i Beča.

Pet dobitaka, pet pokrajina: Na izvlačenju prošle srijede bilo je nekoliko značajnih dobitaka, koji su se rasporedili na točno pet saveznih država. Dvojici sudionika uspjelo je pogoditi jackpot na šestercu i osvojiti više od 890.000 eura svaki.

Jedna od šestica pogođena je u Vorarlbergu s drugim od tri Quicktip-a, dok je drugi bila u Beču, gdje je na običnom tiketu, treći od osam tipova, bilo označeno “šest točnih brojeva”.

Također, bilo je tri dobitna petera s dodatnim brojem, svaki za više od 35.000 eura, a jedan je bio u Štajerskoj s sustavom 0/07, dok su ostala dva ostvarena u Salzburgu i Koruškoj – oba putem Quicktipp-a.

Lotto dobitni brojevi: 1, 6, 24, 28, 34, 44, dodatni broj 38

Na LottoPlus izvlačenju nije bilo šestice. Tako je iznos za šestere podijeljen na petice, pa je 35 sudionika osvojilo više od 8.000 eura svaki. Za sljedeći LottoPlus šester očekuje se oko 200.000 eura.

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“Opasnost za zdravlje”: Iz prodaje povučena jedna vrsta tzv. “Dubai čokoloade”




Zbog nedeklariranih alergena, proizvođač povlači popularnu čokoladu iz Dubaija koja se prodavala online i u trgovinama.

Tvrtka Artis GmbH objavila je opoziv proizvoda “Miskets Dubai Chocolate” jer je u jednoj od analiza otkriven sezam, koji nije bio naveden na popisu sastojaka ni u alergenskim upozorenjima.

Koji proizvod je pogođen?

Radi se o “Miskets Dubai Chocolate” s rokom trajanja 09.11.2025. i oznakom serije L: 24314\1.

Gdje je proizvod prodavan?

Čokolada je bila dostupna u trgovinama i putem online shopa

Kome proizvod predstavlja rizik?

Internetska trgovina upozorava na moguću opasnost za zdravlje isključivo za osobe alergične na sezam. Kupcima s ovom alergijom savjetuje se da ne konzumiraju proizvod.

Mogućnost povrata

Kupci mogu vratiti proizvod u trgovinu gdje su ga kupili ili ga reklamirati online, uz puni povrat novca, i to bez obveznog predočenja računa. Za osobe koje nisu alergične na sezam, proizvod je siguran za konzumaciju.

Kontakt za korisnike

Proizvođač je uspostavio službu za korisnike. Dodatne informacije dostupne su putem info linije 0176/60366629 (radno vrijeme: 10:00 – 17:00) ili na službenoj stranici

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