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Exploring the most beautiful Christmas Markets in Vienna



Vienna, Austria, transforms into a winter wonderland every holiday season, with festive Christmas markets that exude charm, tradition, and a magical atmosphere. From historic squares to grand palaces, the Christmas markets in Vienna offer a picturesque setting for visitors to immerse themselves in the warmth of the season. Whether you’re looking for unique gifts, delicious holiday treats, or simply a cozy place to enjoy the twinkling lights and festive cheer, Vienna’s Christmas markets are a must-see.

1. Christkindlmarkt at Rathausplatz

Located in front of the magnificent Vienna City Hall (Rathaus), the Christkindlmarkt at Rathausplatz is one of the most iconic Christmas markets in the city. With its stunning backdrop of neo-Gothic architecture, this market is a highlight of the holiday season. Visitors can wander through a forest of twinkling lights, browse over 150 stalls offering everything from handcrafted ornaments to holiday decorations, and sample delicious seasonal treats like roasted chestnuts, hot mulled wine (Glühwein), and sugar-coated almonds. The market also hosts a large ice skating rink, adding to the festive fun.

2. Schwedenplatz Christmas Market

For a slightly more intimate and romantic experience, head to the Schwedenplatz Christmas Market. Located along the Danube Canal, this market offers a unique atmosphere with beautifully decorated stalls set against the stunning backdrop of the city’s skyline and water. Here, you’ll find local artisans selling handmade gifts, winter apparel, and seasonal delicacies. The focus on sustainable and eco-friendly products makes it an appealing stop for those looking for environmentally conscious holiday shopping.

3. Spittelberg Christmas Market

Nestled in one of Vienna’s oldest neighborhoods, the Spittelberg Christmas Market is perfect for those who appreciate a more quaint and cozy setting. Spittelberg is a charming district filled with narrow cobblestone streets, and during Christmas, these streets come alive with festive lights and charming market stalls. Local artisans offer handmade crafts, jewelry, and decorations, while food stalls serve delicious Viennese delicacies like roasted meats, mulled wine, and gingerbread. The intimate atmosphere and historic charm make this market a beloved spot for locals and tourists alike.

4. Belvedere Palace Christmas Market

For a regal Christmas market experience, head to the Belvedere Palace, a stunning Baroque masterpiece surrounded by beautiful gardens. The Belvedere Christmas Market combines elegance with festive cheer, offering a more refined shopping and dining experience. The market features high-quality artisanal goods, including handmade jewelry, decorative items, and winter clothing. Enjoy hot chocolate, mulled wine, and pastries while soaking in the serene beauty of the palace grounds. This market’s peaceful atmosphere makes it perfect for those looking to escape the larger crowds.

5. Prater Christmas Market

Set in the famous Prater Park, the Prater Christmas Market offers a festive escape in a green oasis within the city. With its carousel rides, twinkling lights, and large Christmas tree, the Prater market brings joy to visitors of all ages. Stalls offer traditional Christmas items, from wooden toys to festive ornaments, and a variety of Austrian snacks and sweets. The market is especially popular with families, thanks to its more relaxed vibe and entertainment options for children.

6. Karlsplatz Christmas Market

For a market that combines culture, history, and holiday spirit, visit the Christmas Market at Karlsplatz, situated in front of the impressive Karlskirche (St. Charles Church). The market is known for its focus on authentic, artisanal goods and crafts, including handmade candles, wooden toys, and unique decorations. The picturesque church, with its Baroque architecture and grand dome, provides a breathtaking backdrop to the market. Here, visitors can enjoy Austrian specialties such as traditional sausages, pretzels, and a warm cup of Glühwein.

7. Maria-Theresien-Platz Christmas Market

At the heart of Vienna’s museum quarter, the Christmas Market at Maria-Theresien-Platz offers a festive escape right next to the magnificent Natural History Museum and the Kunsthistorisches Museum. The square is beautifully lit, with over 70 stalls offering a variety of Christmas goods, including toys, decorations, and food. The market is particularly well known for its diverse range of handcrafted gifts, making it a great place to find something truly unique. The grandeur of the museums combined with the festive cheer of the market creates a magical experience.

8. Altwiener Christkindlmarkt at Freyung

Located in the historic Freyung Square, the Altwiener Christkindlmarkt at Freyung is one of the oldest Christmas markets in Vienna. This market takes visitors back in time with its traditional wooden stalls, offering a delightful selection of handmade crafts, antiques, and seasonal treats. The market’s nostalgic charm is complemented by its location, which is surrounded by beautiful period buildings. It’s the perfect place to find authentic, old-fashioned Christmas gifts while sipping on a warm cup of spiced punch or mulled wine.

9. Wintermarkt at Schloss Schönbrunn

For a more aristocratic holiday experience, visit the Wintermarkt at the grand Schönbrunn Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage site and former imperial residence. The market here is smaller but no less enchanting, with elegant stalls set against the palace’s majestic architecture. The market emphasizes high-quality, artisanal products, such as handmade candles, pottery, and jewelry. Enjoy a scenic stroll through the palace grounds, sample delicious pastries, and soak in the festive atmosphere in this regal setting.


Vienna’s Christmas markets are a celebration of tradition, charm, and warmth. Whether you’re strolling through the grand squares in front of historic palaces or exploring the quaint, cobbled streets of Spittelberg, each market offers a unique experience that will leave you with lasting memories. The combination of festive lights, delicious treats, and the city’s stunning architecture creates the perfect setting to embrace the holiday spirit in Vienna. So, wrap up warm, sip on some mulled wine, and enjoy the magical atmosphere that makes Vienna’s Christmas markets some of the most beautiful in the world.



ÖAMTC: Više od 90 posto vozača koristi sigurnosni pojas




Zakonska obveza vezanja pojasa uvedena je 1976. godine, a od 1984. za nepoštivanje slijede kazne. Iako je u početku bila kontroverzna, danas je kultura korištenja sigurnosnog pojasa na visokoj razini. Prema istraživanju ÖAMTC-a, 96 % žena i 91,8 % muškaraca redovito koristi sigurnosni pojas.

“Kad bi baš svi putnici u automobilima bili vezani, godišnje bismo spasili do 40 života,” upozorava ÖAMTC.

Rezultati istraživanja

U ožujku je ÖAMTC proveo istraživanje u svim austrijskim glavnim gradovima te analizirao 20.160 putnika u automobilima. Rezultati pokazuju da je 93,5 % ispitanika koristilo sigurnosni pojas.

Nošenje pojasa drastično smanjuje rizik od fatalnih posljedica u nesrećama. “U posljednjih deset godina, 540 osoba koje nisu bile vezane smrtno su stradale u prometnim nesrećama. Iako moderni sigurnosni sustavi poput zračnih jastuka i asistenata vožnje pomažu, sigurnosni pojas i dalje ostaje najvažnija zaštita u automobilu,” ističe David Nose, prometni stručnjak ÖAMTC-a.

Pojas, pravilna sjedeća pozicija i ispravno podešeni naslon za glavu ključni su za maksimalnu učinkovitost sigurnosnih sustava u vozilu.

Regionalne razlike u korištenju pojasa

Podaci pokazuju porast u postotku vezanih putnika, s najboljim rezultatima u Štajerskoj, Tirolu i Vorarlbergu (preko 97 %). S druge strane, Beč je najslabiji, s tek 87 % vezanih putnika.

Dok su Gornja Austrija, Burgenland, Štajerska, Tirol i Vorarlberg zabilježili poboljšanja, u Koruškoj i Salzburgu postotak vezanih putnika opao. U Beču i Donjoj Austriji situacija je ostala gotovo nepromijenjena.

Žene češće koriste sigurnosni pojas

Istraživanje je pokazalo da su žene odgovornije kada je riječ o korištenju sigurnosnog pojasa. 96 % žena redovito se veže, dok je kod muškaraca taj postotak 91,8 %.

“Ovo sugerira da su žene svjesnije rizika od nenošenja pojasa, dok muškarci često podcjenjuju njegovu važnost,” zaključuje Nose.

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U Austriju se vraća omiljena vrsta Coca-Cole




Ljubitelji voćnih okusa mogu se veseliti – od početka travnja Coca-Cola Cherry postaje trajno dostupna u Austriji! Nakon godina u kojima se pojavljivala samo u ograničenim izdanjima, ovaj popularni okus sada ulazi u stalni asortiman.

“Okus trešnje je među najomiljenijima, stoga ispunjavamo dugogodišnju želju naših fanova,” izjavila je Valeria Chavarri Rodriguez, brand managerica Coca-Cole Austrija.

Nova Limited Edition i osvježeni dizajn

Uz povratak Cherry okusa, Coca-Cola je nedavno lansirala i Coca-Cola Lime Zero Sugar, koja će biti dostupna do rujna. Također, ljubitelji bezkaloričnih verzija mogu uživati u Vanilla Zero Sugar i Lemon Zero Sugar, savršenima za ljetne dane.

Osim novih okusa, Coca-Cola je modernizirala dizajn svojih bočica i limenki. “Sada svaka boja postepeno prelazi u klasičnu crvenu Coca-Cole – primjerice, Cherry ima tamnoljubičastu nijansu trešnje, dok Lime dolazi sa zelenim tonovima limete,” objasnila je Chavarri Rodriguez.

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Westbahn od sljedeće godine vozi i prema jugu Austrije




Većinski privatna željeznička kompanija Westbahn, u vlasništvu industrijalca Hansa Petera Haselsteinera, proširit će svoje rute zahvaljujući Koralmtunelu između Štajerske i Koruške te će postati dio Südbahna. Od 1. ožujka 2026. godine planirano je pet dnevnih vožnji s polaskom sa glavnog kolodvora u Beču, preko Graza i Klagenfurta, do Villacha, objavljeno je u srijedu na tiskovnoj konferenciji u Beču. Plan je već neko vrijeme bio tema rasprava, a razmatrala se i ranija realizacija.

Vožnja traje 3 sata i 28 minuta

Predviđeno je da će cijelo putovanje trajati 3 sata i 28 minuta, a vlak će, osim na glavnim postajama, stati i u Beču Meidlingu, Wiener Neustadtu, Semmeringu te Bruck an der Muru. Razmatraju se i dodatna stajališta.

Izvršni direktor Westbahna, Thomas Posch, pritom nije propustio uputiti jasnu kritiku ÖBB-u, aludirajući na dugogodišnje probleme s putovanjima na južnoj ruti. “Želimo stati na kraj manjku kvalitete u željezničkom prometu na južnoj trasi i ponuditi pouzdanu uslugu,” istaknuo je Posch. Osim Haselsteinera, suvlasnik Westbahna je i francuska državna željeznica SNCF.

Brzina do 250 km/h i pristupačnost za sve putnike

Za početak operacija 1. ožujka 2026. Westbahn planira nabaviti tri nova brza vlaka, koji će moći voziti do 250 km/h, što ih čini najbržima u Austriji. Svaki vlak imat će 11 vagona, duljinu od 202 metra i kapacitet od 422 sjedeća mjesta u tri klase. Bit će opremljeni s po dva ravna ulaza, čime se osigurava potpuna pristupačnost za putnike s invaliditetom. Dvokatni vlakovi bit će uvedeni tek nakon završetka izgradnje Semmering tunela između Donje Austrije i Štajerske.

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