AUSTRIAN AIRLINES: U kolovozu letovi prema četiri destinacije u Hrvatskoj
Prema pisanju specijaliziranog portala Croatian Aviation, austrijski avioprijevoznik Austrian Airlines (AUA) objavio je svoj red letenja za kolovoz ove godine. U njemu stoji nekoliko operativnih izmjena na linijama prema odredištima u Hrvatskoj. Austrian Airlines u kolovozu nastavlja prometovati prema četiri hrvatske zračne luke; Dubrovniku, Splitu, Zadru i Zagrebu. Dok će se prema Dubrovniku i Splitu zadržati postojeći broj tjednih letova, doći će do određenih promjena na linijama iz Beča prema Zadru i Zagrebu.
Linija Beč – Dubrovnik nastavit će prometovati čak 6 puta tjedno (svakim danom osim utorka), a na istoj su najavljeni zrakoplovi iz obitelji 320.
Linija Beč – Split također će prometovati 6 puta tjedno (svakim danom osim utorka), te su na njoj najavljeni zrakoplovi istog kapaciteta kao i prema Dubrovniku.
Linija Austrian Airlinesa između Beča i Zadra, od početka kolovoza prometovat će češće – 4 puta tjedno (ponedjeljkom, četvrtkom, petkom i subotom), što je jedan let tjedno više u odnosu na red letenja u srpnju.
Linija Beč – Zagreb od 01. do 15. kolovoza nastavit će prometovati 8 puta tjedno, ponedjeljkom, srijedom, četvrtkom i subotom u jutarnjem, te utorkom, četvrtkom, petkom i nedjeljom u popodnevnom terminu. Dva leta dnevno dostupna su svakog četvrtka. Navedeni broj tjednih letova u primjeni će biti do sredine kolovoza, točnije do 15.08.
Od 16. kolovoza Austrian Airlines reducirati će broj tjednih letova na liniji između dva glavna grada, te će na njoj prometovati 5 puta tjedno (ponedjeljkom, srijedom, četvrtkom, petkom i nedjeljom) isključivo u popodnevnom terminu.
R.P I Croatian Aviation
Foto: AUA

These are the most overcrowded travel destinations in Europe

During the summer months, many places in Europe are bursting at the seams once again. Holidu has listed the hotspots – and the number one spot is surprising.
Mass tourism leads to more and more problems in many cities. This has recently resulted in increasingly frequent protests, especially in Spanish holiday resorts. Rigorous measures are intended to provide relief there, as well as in Italy. However, the most tourists per inhabitant are found elsewhere. This conclusion was reached by the holiday home portal “Holidu” using data from the market research company “Euromonitor International.”
The number of arriving tourists in 2023 was compared with the population of the city. Interestingly, not all listed cities are as obvious as one might expect.
5th place: Florence (Italy) With 14 tourists for each of the over 360,000 inhabitants, Florence records an immense overload of visitors. The Ponte Vecchio, once a quaint bridge, has turned into a chaotic gauntlet of selfie-seekers. The Cathedral is often swallowed up by an endless sea of tourists. To counteract this, Florence has been charging a tourist tax between 4.50 and 8 euros per night since April 2023, depending on the category of accommodation. Children under 12 are exempt from this tax, and the fee is payable for an uninterrupted stay of up to 7 nights.
4th place: Heraklion (Greece) With a dizzying number of 18 tourists per inhabitant, the Greek port city is struggling with the challenges of mass tourism. What was once a charming gateway to the island’s stunning beaches and ancient ruins has turned into a bustling commercial hub. Heraklion recorded a total of 3.6 million arrivals last year.
3rd place: Venice (Italy) With an overwhelming number of 21 tourists per inhabitant, Venice claims the unfortunate bronze medal in Europe’s competition of the most overcrowded cities. This unique floating city suffers under the weight of its popularity. From 2025, the city plans to charge entrance fees of up to 10 euros to manage “overtourism.”
2nd place: Rhodes (Greece) Rhodes is the second most overcrowded travel destination on this list. With 26 tourists per inhabitant, the island falls victim to its own popularity. The charming cobblestone streets have turned into busy tourist corridors, while the many beaches are overrun by sun worshippers.
1st place: Dubrovnik (Croatia) Dubrovnik has developed into an absolute tourist magnet over the past few years. Here, there are an incredible 27 tourists per inhabitant. The “Game of Thrones” effect (Dubrovnik was partly used as a filming location for the cult series) has only exacerbated the problem, turning the cobblestone streets into congested thoroughfares and the iconic walls into selfie backdrops.
Planirate putovanje tijekom ljeta? – pogledajte ove nevjerojatne ponude letova!

Volite putovati, ali nemate iskustva s organizacijom? Volite putovati i želite organizirati kratko putovanje što je to prije i jednostavnije moguće, ali nemate iskustva? Vašim brigama i problemima došao je kraj! Uz platformu eSky planiranje i organizacija putovanja lakša je nego ikad prije. Platforma omogućuje najjednostavnije i najisplativije organizacije putovanja te vas vodi na najzanimljivije mjesta na svijetu. I to već ovog ljeta!
Trebate predah i kratki ‘city break’ ili pravi odmor?
U vrijeme sve užurbanijeg života svi trebamo vikend predah i bijeg na neko kratko, ali slatko putovanje. Opcije ‘city break’ i ‘holidays’ svim putnicima nude savršeno rješenje s odgovarajućim letovima i smještajem za nekoliko noći. Planirajte vaš bijeg uz posebne kategorije i filtere koji će prilagoditi vaše putovanje točno prema vašim zahtjevima. Pogledajte naše atraktivne ponude za city break i holiday putovanja i iznenadite sebe i svoje partnere. Sve ćete pronaći na jednom mjestu – letove i smještaj za nekoliko dana po odličnim cijenama.
Imate problema pri rezervaciji letova?
Mnoge aviokompanije nude letove iz obližnjih zračnih luka, ali je nerijetko rezervacija komplicirana i zahtjevna. Uz naš eSky pretraživač pretraga i rezervacija letova je znatno olakšana,. Koristeći pretraživač letova, imate direktan pristup ponudama mnogih aviokompanija na jednom mjestu te lako i brzo možete usporediti cijene. Pretraživač letova jamči pristup pogodnim metodama plaćanja (uključujući odgođena i obročna plaćanja) za ponude svih aviokompanija.
Može se dogoditi da promjenom zračne luke polaska na obližnju ili laganim pomicanjem datuma putovanja (čak i za jedan dan) pronađete mnogo jeftinije i udobnije letove. Prilikom pretraživanja ponuda letova, eSky pretraživač sugerira druge opcije zahvaljujući mogućnosti obližnjih zračnih luka i datuma.
Zahvaljujući tome, ne morate uspoređivati dostupnost i cijene letova na mnogo datuma, već koristiti gotove opcije putovanja koje su ujedno i najatraktivnije.
eSky aplikacija je najbolje rješenje
Tražite li najbolji način za planiranje svojih putovanja, rezervaciju letova, smještaja i provjeru najboljih ponuda svaki dan? Preuzmite eSky aplikaciju, zahvaljujući kojoj možete brzo i jednostavno organizirati svoja putovanja i imati trenutni pristup svojim rezervacijama.
Na eSky web stranici i aplikaciji pronaći ćete čak 1,3 milijuna objekata širom svijeta. Ponuda uključuje razne oblike smještaja, uključujući: hotele, apartmane, hostele, odmarališta i mnoge druge, tako da možete prilagoditi smještaj svojim potrebama. Sve potrebne informacije o odabranom objektu – cijene, dostupne sobe, pogodnosti, ocjene gostiju, pa čak i fotografije soba – možete provjeriti na jednom mjestu. Proces rezervacije je jednostavan i možete besplatno otkazati svoju rezervaciju.
Trebate osiguranje za vaše putovanje?
Dobro znamo da se tijekom putovanja mogu dogoditi i neplanirane neugodnosti. Ponekad, čak i liječenje najobičnijih bolesti poput prehlade može donijeti velike troškove. Zato je bitno da na svojim putovanjima imate pouzdano i sigurno zdravstveno osiguranje. Prilikom putovanja morate biti pripremljeni za čak i najneočekivanije okolnosti. Sve neugodnosti se mogu lako izbjeći kupnjom osiguranja, čija je cijena niska, a opseg zaštite vrlo velik. Putujte sigurno i bezbrižno koristeći “Your Pass”, koji je dostupan za preuzimanje prilikom kupnje.
Otkazivanje putovanja ne mora biti stresno
Želite li otići na zimsko putovanje, ali se bojite da ćete iz nekog razloga (npr. infekcija na poslu) morati otkazati svoj odmor u posljednji trenutak i da će novac za kartu biti izgubljen? Postoji rješenje za ovu mogućnost. Prilikom kupnje karte, odaberite osiguranje od otkazivanja putovanja, koje će vas zaštititi ako otkažete svoj let čak i trenutak prije putovanja!
Putujte i planirajte vaše putovanje bez puno stresa uz https://www.esky.hr/avio-karte/ci/spu/ci/lon/split-london platformu koja vam omogućava najbolje ponude i koja vas vodi na najzanimljivija mjesta na svijetu uz najbolje i najpovoljnije cijene!
The most beautiful beaches in Croatia

Croatia is known for its stunning beaches that attract tourists from all over the world. With crystal-clear waters, picturesque coastlines, and diverse landscapes, Croatia’s beaches offer something for everyone. Here, we present some of the most beautiful beaches that you should definitely visit.
Zlatni Rat, Brač
One of the most famous beaches in Croatia is Zlatni Rat on the island of Brač. This beach is known for its unique shape, which changes depending on the wind and sea currents. Zlatni Rat is ideal for windsurfers and kite surfers, but also for those who simply want to enjoy the sun and the sea.
Stiniva Beach, Vis
Stiniva on the island of Vis is one of the most secluded beaches in Croatia. Surrounded by high cliffs that form a small bay, Stiniva offers tranquility and privacy. The beach is accessible by foot via a narrow rocky path or by boat, which adds to its charm.
Sakarun, Dugi Otok
Sakarun Beach on the island of Dugi Otok is known for its white sand and turquoise sea, reminiscent of the Caribbean. This beach is perfect for families with children as the water is shallow with long flat areas. Surrounded by a pine forest, Sakarun provides shade and a pleasant stay on hot summer days.
Bačvice Beach, Split
Bačvice is the most famous beach in Split and a popular destination for young people. In addition to sunbathing and swimming, Bačvice is also known for Picigin, a traditional game played in shallow water. The beach is sandy, and its proximity to the city center of Split makes it easily accessible and ideal for short trips.
Rajska Plaža, Lopar (Rab)
Rajska Plaža on the island of Rab is one of the longest sandy beaches in Croatia, over 1.5 kilometers long. This beach is ideal for families with children due to its shallow water and numerous facilities such as slides, cafés, and sports activities. The beach is surrounded by a dense pine forest that provides natural shade.
Punta Rata, Brela
Punta Rata in Brela is often ranked among the most beautiful beaches in the world. This pebble beach is surrounded by a dense pine forest and is known for the impressive rock that juts out of the sea. Punta Rata is ideal for those seeking a quiet environment with breathtaking views of the sea and mountains.
Lubenice Beach, Cres
Lubenice Beach is located below the medieval village of Lubenice on the island of Cres. The beach is accessible via a steep path that leads through spectacular scenery. The reward for the effort is a beautiful pebble beach with crystal-clear water and a stunning view.
Saplunara Beach, Mljet
Saplunara on the island of Mljet consists of two beautiful sandy beaches – Velika and Mala Saplunara. These beaches are located in bays surrounded by a pine forest, and the water is warm and shallow. Saplunara is perfect for relaxing and escaping from crowds.
The Croatian coast offers an incredible variety of beaches that cater to different tastes and needs. Whether you are looking for a quiet bay, water sports activities, or family-friendly beaches with many amenities, Croatia’s beaches will surely captivate you.
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