ZANIMLJIVO: Donald Trump podijelio stari snimak Gorana Ivaniševića!
Predsjednik SAD-a Donald Trump nedavno je izjavio kako njegovi statusi na Twitteru nisu problematični kao što su njegovi tzv. retweetovi (podijeljene poveznice drugih korisnika). Ovaj put, Trump je svojim retweetom oduševio Hrvatsku!
Naime, Trump je podijelio legendarnu scenu bivšeg hrvatskog tenisača Gorana Ivaniševića iz 1997. godine s Queen’s turnira u Londonu. Tijekom meča protiv Marka Philippoussisa, kojeg je današnji trener Novaka Đokovića izgubio s 5-7 3-6, a Ivanišević je zbog svoje loše igre stao uz rub terena i zamolio skupljačicu loptica da nastavi umjesto njega.
Splićanin je svoj reket dao tada 14-godišnjoj skupljačici Amy Kavanagh te ju preklinjao da igra umjesto njega, nakon čega je ‘osvojila’ poen.
Uz komentar „Lijepo!“, Trump je podijelio ovaj već 23 godine star snimak.
Antonio Šećerović
Foto: Twitter I Snimka zaslona

The 10th Ultra Europe festival in Split begins, 150,000 guests expected

At the 10th Ultra Europe Festival, which will be held from Friday to Sunday at Park Mladeži in Split and then move to Brač, Hvar, and Vis for three days, about 150,000 partygoers from 140 countries are expected to be entertained by 150 DJs, the festival organizers announced on Tuesday.
The festival organizer, Joe Bašić from the company MPG Live, recalled at a press conference how, about ten years ago, they were told that Croatia was not a place for such large events, but they proved the opposite – it is an international project watched by the whole world.
“We are celebrating ten years and have never had a bigger or stronger lineup in terms of performers coming for the anniversary. We are all ready and can’t wait to host the whole world here in Split, Croatia. We are ready for the challenge ahead of us, which means the arrival of 140,000 people,” said Joe Bašić from the ULTRA Europe Music Festival.
He announced that this year’s festival will be the biggest edition ever, and they are happy to have many new names as well as the world’s top DJs. In Split and on the islands, a total of 150 performers will participate in the Ultra Europe Festival.
Alijana Vukšić from the city tourist board emphasized that guests for Ultra are arriving earlier and staying longer.
“Ultra is a mega spectacle that is very important for both our city and all of Croatia. For years, we have been showing and proving that the city of Split is ready to organize such large events. This year, as well as last year, we have been continuously appealing through the ‘Respect and Enjoy’ campaign to the young people coming to our city to respect the city they are visiting and to stay as long as possible to get to know our tradition and culture better,” said Alijana Vukšić, director of the Split Tourist Board.
Sutra Cro Vienna ‘Božićna večer’ uz legendarnog Tonija Cetinskog

Kao i svake godine dosad, studeni u Beču rezerviran je za sada već legendarnu “Božićnu večer” nogometnog kluba SK Cro Vienna. Božićna zabava i ove godine se održava u Casablanci, 25. studenog. Specijalni gost je legendarni hrvatski izvođač Toni Cetinski uz kojeg je zagarantirana dobra zabava.
Zabava počinje već od 19 sati, a uz Tonija Cetinskog goste će zabavljati i Antonio Krištofić i Božidarka-Matija Čerina s bendom. Zabava je dakle – zagarantirana.

NAJAVA: Cro Vienna ‘Božićna večer’ uz legendarnog Tonija Cetinskog

Kao i svake godine dosad, studeni u Beču rezerviran je za sada već legendarnu “Božićnu večer” nogometnog kluba SK Cro Vienna. Božićna zabava i ove godine se održava u Casablanci, 25. studenog. Specijalni gost je legendarni hrvatski izvođač Toni Cetinski uz kojeg je zagarantirana dobra zabava.
Zabava počinje već od 19 sati, a uz Tonija Cetinskog goste će zabavljati i Antonio Krištofić i Božidarka-Matija Čerina s bendom. Zabava je dakle – zagarantirana.

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