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Discovering Vienna: The heart of Austria



Vienna, the capital of Austria, is a city steeped in history, culture, and elegance. Known for its majestic architecture, vibrant arts scene, and rich musical heritage, Vienna is a city that seamlessly blends tradition with modernity. Here, we explore what makes Vienna a truly unique and captivating destination.

A City of History and Architecture

Vienna’s historical significance is evident in its well-preserved architecture and grandiose buildings. The city’s historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is home to landmarks such as St. Stephen’s Cathedral, the Hofburg Palace, and the Vienna State Opera. Walking through the narrow, cobblestone streets of the Innere Stadt, visitors can admire a mix of Gothic, Baroque, and Art Nouveau architecture.

The Hofburg Palace, once the winter residence of the Habsburg dynasty, now serves as the official residence and workplace of the President of Austria. This sprawling complex houses several museums, including the Imperial Apartments, the Sisi Museum, and the Austrian National Library.

Foto: Image by Leonhard Niederwimmer from Pixabay

The Musical Capital of the World

Vienna’s association with music is legendary. The city was home to some of the world’s greatest composers, including Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Johann Strauss II. The Vienna State Opera and the Musikverein are two of the most prestigious venues where classical music enthusiasts can enjoy world-class performances.

The city’s musical heritage is also celebrated through various museums and memorials. The House of Music offers an interactive experience, allowing visitors to explore the world of sound and music. Mozart’s House, where the composer lived and created many of his masterpieces, provides insights into his life and works.

Art and Culture

Vienna is a cultural hub with an impressive array of museums and galleries. The Kunsthistorisches Museum (Museum of Art History) boasts an extensive collection of European art, including works by Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Raphael. The Belvedere Palace showcases Austrian art from the Middle Ages to the present day, with a notable collection of Gustav Klimt’s works, including the iconic “The Kiss.”

The MuseumsQuartier is a modern cultural complex housing contemporary art institutions like the Leopold Museum, the Museum of Modern Art (MUMOK), and the Kunsthalle Wien. This vibrant area is also a social hotspot, with numerous cafes, restaurants, and shops.

Culinary Delights

Vienna’s culinary scene is as rich and diverse as its cultural heritage. Traditional Viennese cuisine includes dishes such as Wiener Schnitzel (breaded and fried veal cutlet), Tafelspitz (boiled beef), and Apfelstrudel (apple strudel). The city’s coffeehouse culture is an integral part of its identity, with historic cafes like Café Central, Café Sacher, and Café Demel offering a quintessential Viennese experience.

Vienna is also known for its wine, particularly the white wines from the vineyards surrounding the city. The traditional Heuriger wine taverns, where local winemakers serve their latest vintages, provide a charming and authentic way to enjoy Viennese wine and hospitality.

Green Spaces and Recreation

Despite its urban sophistication, Vienna offers plenty of green spaces and recreational opportunities. The Prater, with its iconic Giant Ferris Wheel, is a vast public park perfect for leisurely strolls, picnics, and outdoor activities. The Schönbrunn Palace gardens, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, are another popular spot, featuring beautifully manicured lawns, fountains, and the world’s oldest zoo.

The Danube Island is a favorite destination for locals and tourists alike, offering beaches, water sports, and cycling paths. Vienna’s numerous parks, such as Stadtpark and Burggarten, provide peaceful retreats within the bustling city.

Vienna is a city that captivates visitors with its blend of historical grandeur, cultural richness, and modern vibrancy. Whether exploring its architectural marvels, enjoying its musical legacy, savoring its culinary delights, or simply soaking in the ambiance of its charming streets and cafes, Vienna offers an unforgettable experience that leaves a lasting impression on all who visit.



“Iznimno loš zrak” – alarm za sitnu prašinu na području Beča




Ograničenja fine prašine prekoračena su u glavnom gradu i oko njega u ponedjeljak. Kvaliteta zraka je već nekoliko dana “izuzetno loša”.

Aplikacije za vremensku prognozu na mobitelima i računalima oglašavaju alarm! Već gotovo tjedan dana u Beču i okolici vlada “izrazito loša kvaliteta zraka”. Razlog tome je trajno visoka razina zagađenja finom prašinom. Na mnogim od 17 mjernih postaja u gradu došlo je do znatnog prekoračenja graničnih vrijednosti.

Trenutna neuobičajeno dugotrajna inverzijska vremenska situacija s malo vjetra uzrokuje nakupljanje čestica u nižim slojevima zraka. Promjena vremena, a time i poboljšanje stanja zraka očekuje se tek krajem tjedna.

Karta Indeksa kvalitete zraka (AQI) u stvarnom vremenu to jasno pokazuje. Nekoliko mjernih postaja svijetli alarmantno crveno: “Nezdravo”. Prema upozorenju: “Učinke na zdravlje mogu osjetiti svi; može postojati ozbiljan zdravstveni rizik za osjetljive skupine.”

I mnoge druge mjerne postaje pokazuju gust zrak, što je još uvijek problematično, barem za osjetljive osobe.

Fina prašina s najsitnijim česticama – PM10 ili PM2,5 – posebno je štetna za zdravlje. Broj označava aerodinamički promjer suspendirane tvari.

To može biti stresno za osobe s osjetljivim dišnim putovima ili ranijim bolestima. Novorođenčad, trudnice ili osobe s ranijim zdravstvenim problemima trebaju izbjegavati dulje vrijeme na otvorenom. Kao zdrav čovjek možete izaći van, ali se ne smijete previše naprezati.

EU je nedavno izdala strože gornje granice onečišćujućih tvari u borbi protiv štetnih emisija: nova ograničenja primjenjivat će se od 2030., između ostalog, na finu prašinu, dušik (NO2) i sumporov dioksid (SO2). Zapravo, prema procjenama EU-a, loš zrak uzrokuje ranu smrt oko 300.000 ljudi svake godine.

Općenito, zagađenje finom prašinom smanjilo se u Austriji posljednjih desetljeća zbog pojačanih mjera zaštite okoliša. Zbog toga jesenska juha od magle postaje sve manje gusta jer se čestice ponašaju kao jezgre kondenzacije.

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U Austriji nas očekuje hladan tjedan, bit će i snijega




Tjedan je u Austriji počeo pravim zimskim temperaturama. Veliki broj gradova probudio se jutros s temperaturama oko nule, a ono što će obilježiti ovaj tjedan je oblačno vrijeme praćeno jutarnjom maglom.

Magla bi se ovaj tjedan mogla zadržavati i čitav dan, a sredinom tjedna, točnije u srijedu mogle bi past i i prve pahulje snijega. Naime, snježna granica ovaj će tjedan biti znatno niža.

Što se tiče temperatura zraka, one neće prelaziti 7 stupnjeva Celzijusovih, a jutarnje će posvuda biti do maksimalnih 4.

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Građani Salzburga glasovali protiv S-Linka




Većina stanovnika Salzburga (52,6%) izjasnila se protiv planirane gradske regionalne željeznice S-LINK na referendumu u nedjelju. Otprilike 17 kilometara dug, djelomično podzemni produžetak salzburške lokalne željeznice od glavnog željezničkog kolodvora do Halleina trebao je riješiti prometne probleme zagušenog grada Salzburga.

U anketi je ipak na kraju prevladao skepticizam oko milijarde dolara vrijednog građevinskog projekta.

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